Samir Bannout Talks About New Era “Your Athlete Is Going to Die” What Else Did He Say?

People are very much impressed by the amazing body of a bodybuilder and they wonder how they can build such a body. This type of body is not overly influenced by just going to the gym but what makes them look so different is that their physique is next level.

So not within today’s time but since long ago people who are bodybuilders have been using a medicine called steroids along with their gym training. Steroids take the shape of the body completely differently and to the next level.

The great bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger also says that 95% of the journey of any bodybuilder is their effort and hard work.

But the 5% is the steroid. No part that the steroid works for the body because of the steroid the bodybuilder’s physique becomes absolutely next level and it becomes amazing meaning much more impressive than is the 5% steroid no part. This is what bodybuilders are doing more nowadays

Now in the month of November, the Mr. Olympia Weekend is starting and during this time many Past Champions Bodybuilders, whom we can call Legendary Bodybuilders, Greatest Bodybuilders are reacting to the New Era Bodybuilders of today. Within there are many bodybuilders who have reacted. But just a few days ago, within the podcast of The Muscle Maturity podcast, legendary bodybuilder Samir Bannout also reacted to today’s bodybuilder and had his own words on them.

In this podcast, Samir Bannout has his point of view on today’s bodybuilders and has something to say to them.

Samir Bannout Said “Your Athlete is Going to Die

So let’s first take a look at what legendary bodybuilder Samir Bannout had to say inside The Muscle Maturity podcast.


“Twelve weeks prior to a show we did a reasonable amount.
We made sure our bodies were healthy.
We did the blood test and made sure everything is okay.
We didn’t cross the line the way they are doing today.
The amount of drugs they are using today is deadly.
It is deadly! And it’s been happening over and over and over.
We try to tell some of those coaches but some of those coaches ‘
Oh I want my athlete to win’, but your athlete is going to die
if you keep going with that stupid protocol.
I call these protocols stupid” Samir Bannout said.

“Look, I am 66 years old and if I want to go on the
gear the way they are going,
I’d probably be the biggest man in the graveyard soon too.
I don’t need to be more than,
today I weigh exactly 199 today.
I weigh 199 pounds and not 199 and I don’t need to brag about it,
I got abs at 199 okay?
But the thing is my liver, my kidney everything functioning well.
I don’t need to be the biggest guy in the world.
But if you put me in the right gear,
we could have been competing at 230 for sure,
we didn’t need to be that big.
We didn’t need to be.
And they are getting big the wrong way.
When you take 600mg of Trenbolone you are looking for trouble.
When you take over two Anadrol for more than
six weeks you are looking for trouble.
You can damage your liver and kidneys.
They are bigger but not bigger.
They are bigger not better. That is what you need to know.”


As you have seen in the past, bodybuilders die at a young age. For whom there are many reasons, we cannot do anything about steroids, but yes, we can say that because of steroids, they also have heart attacks, etc.

Nowadays bodybuilders have started using steroids too much due to which athletes are said to be taking their bodies to the last stage along with their body.

Because steroids are used more in today’s time. Which can cause a lot of damage to their body due to which they can die due to an attack like heart attack etc.

All the bodybuilders not only of today but also the bodybuilders of yesteryears use it but using only a limited amount does not make much difference to them when their.

When over-used, many different types of reactions occur in their bodies, and due to this their chances of death also increase.

That’s why legendary bodybuilder Samir Bannout said on The Muscle Maturity podcast that your favorite athlete will die if this is the case.

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